Emerging markets growth at a very very reasonable price
Hidden champions “compounders”, in the Europe small cap space, always cheap.
Developed markets growth at a very very reasonable price
According to GMO, Emerging markets, Europe and Japan should outperform the US based on measurable indications: Valuation and currency. We saw that following a tech bubble and overvalued equities is not a good way to invest.
This is the way. My ideas and portfolio stood 2022 very well, and I am very excited about the 2020’s.
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I don’t know if all these companies will perform greatly and I do not predict future earnings, like many try and fail to do. But I know these are some Hidden gems at cheap valuations, and it was very interesting to discover them, and should be the same for the curious reader.

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Note: this is not financial advice, but my opinion on the companies. Anyone should do their own due diligence to confirm a company thesis presented and form their independent opinion.
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